About Global Asian Studies (GAS)

Since the end of the Cold War, a new concept of “Global Asia” has emerged, triggered by growing attention to the path(s) of globalization. The gravity of Asia and its growing political and economic influence on the global landscape has coincided with increasing awareness of social connectivity; connections between development, the environment and health; and concern for inequality within Asia and beyond. Simultaneously, the limited “ownership” of these issues by researchers residing in Asia has prompted calls for the “Asianization” of Asian studies.

The Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia (IASA), as one of the leading institutes of Asian studies located in Asia, established Global Asian Studies (GAS) program in 2022 to promote an “inside-out” approach to Asian studies. This approach respects the agency of local scholarship to determine what should be studied, while engaging with global audience.

Whilst we anticipate the development of new themes and methodologies over time, contributions to the development of GAS have so far emerged along the following themes:

  1. Society to society movements of ideas and actions
  2. Memories of disaster and reconciliation for the future
  3. Critical junctures in regional histories
  4. The teaching of global Asia

Concrete activities of the Global Asian Studies program include the Japan Foundation-Global Japan Studies (JF-GJS) Initiative and a dedicated GAS Initiative. The former is more focused on Japan-related issues while the latter invites debate on Asian affairs more broadly. The GAS community at the IASA welcomes participation from all parts of the world, including those from outside the Asia region, to pursue this new and exciting path toward discovery and mutual understanding.