JF-GJS Fellow Talk Series 2

Looking in Asia for a “New Wind”: Tomiyama Taeko and JAALA (Japan, Asian, African, Latin-American Artist Association)

  • Finished
Date and TimeFebruary 24 (Sat), 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM (JST)
VenueRoom 612, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia(IASA), UTokyo
※ The main gate of the IASA building is closed on the weekends. Please ensure you arrive on time to enter.
TitleLooking in Asia for a "New Wind": Tomiyama Taeko and JAALA (Japan, Asian, African, Latin-American Artist Association)
SpeakerMika Furukawa, Researcher of Korean Art and Culture

Specializes in Korean art and culture studies. Graduated from Waseda University, finishing the Korean Language Institute at Yonsei University, and Professional Investigator at the Japanese Embassy in Korea. She won the Korean Award “Kim Bokjin” in August 2021. She is the author of “Korean Minjung(People’s) Art: Aesthetics and Ideas of Resistance” (Iwanami Shoten, 2018), and co-authored “Reading the Beauty of Korea ” (CUON, 2021) and “East Asian Yaskunism” (YuigakuShobo), “Hanryu Handbook” (Shinshokan), “Gwangju “May Series Woodcut-Dawn”” (Yakosha), “Art, censorship, and the Emperor” (Syakaihyoronsya), etc. She was an assistant curator at the 2000 Gwangju Biennale “Art and Human Rights Exhibition”, connecting Japanese and Korean art.
DiscussantYunsu Yi, Ph.D. Candidate, Hongik University, and JF-GJS Fellow at Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, the University of Tokyo
ChairYunsu Yi, Ph.D. Candidate, Hongik University, and JF-GJS Fellow at Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, the University of Tokyo
LanguageLecture in Japanese, Q&A in Japanese and English

This event will be held in-person only. Please register using the form below:

JAALA(Japan, Asian, African, Latin-American Artist Association) was established in 1977 to create an avenue for artistic exchange with the Third World. It was founded in opposition to the mainstream Japanese art world, which followed along with the West. One of its founding members was the artist Tomiyama Taeko(富山妙子). She was quick to recognize that “expression of new cultures was beginning amid suffering from colonial rule, invasion, oppression under dictatorships, exploitation, and poverty in Korea, Palestine, Thailand, the Philippines, and other countries.”

Meanwhile, coincidentally, in the same year that JAALA was founded, Tomiyama formed the Asian Women’s Association with Matsui Yayori(松井やより), Yamaguchi Akiko(山口明子), Gotō Masako(五島昌子), and others to express themselves as they stood together with Asian women who were experiencing political repression, economic exploitation, and other forms of oppression.

Tomiyama Taeko sought a way for “Asia” and “women” to become subjects who would create a “new wind.” In this lecture, I will reflect on her gaze towards the Third World, and her collaboration with the women’s movement, and consider how we can continue that “New Wind” today.

Organizer:JF-GJS Initiative at the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo
Co-organizer:Japan Foundation
Contact:pomn0627[at] (Yunsu Yi)